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Hello, and welcome to my cat blog, where I will share my love and knowledge of the feline. Check out some awesome cat facts and posts comparing and contrasting different cat breeds.

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Cat Breed of The Month--The Burmese

The cat breed I picked for the month of June is the Burmese! The Burmese is considered hypoallergenic, although they aren't completely...

Differences Between The Devon Rex and The Cornish Rex

These two cat breeds are fairly similar but they do have some differences. The cat in the picture is a flame point Devon Rex. Devon Rex...

Cat Breed of The Month--The Sphynx

At first glance, you may notice that this cat is bald and wrinkly, which can sometimes be labeled as ugly but they are beautiful on the...

Tabby cats

Tabby is the most common cat pattern, but did you know that there are different kinds of tabbies? There are five types. Mackerel/striped...

Cat Breed of the Month—Bengal

Today we will be learning about the Bengal! The Bengal is one of my favorite domestic hybrids. What is a domestic hybrid? you might ask....

Happy National Siamese Cat Day!

Yesterday, I got a notification from my calendar, saying that tomorrow was National Siamese Cat Day! If I had remembered, I would have...

Cat Breed of The Month--The Siamese

Over the past couple of months, I have come to the realization that I love the Siamese! They are one of my favorite cat breeds...don't I...


As a continuation of one of my previous posts, "Wild cats," this post is about cougars! Cougars are the second largest cats in North...

Cat breed of the month--Russian Blue

I'm so excited for this month's cat breed. The Russian blue (also one of my favorites)! I absolutely LOVE this breed, because of their...

Wild Cats

I decided to do something a little bit different. As y'all saw in the title, we will be learning about wild cats! There are so many...

Cat Breed of The Month--Persian

If any of y'all noticed, I am doing longhaired cat breeds for the cold months and shorthairs for the warm months, but next month, I'll be...

Cat Breed of The Month--Maine Coon

Why did I choose Maine coons for the month of December? Because this amazing breed sports a beautiful long coat that's perfect for the...

Indoor VS Outdoor Cat? What Are The Pros and Cons?

There are a good bit of pros supporting both decisions, but there are also a lot of cons, so I made a list for y'all! Inside or outside...

Cat Breed of The Month--Siberian

The Siberian, also known as Siberian forest cat or Moscow longhair, is from the very cold region of Siberia, Russia, where their thick,...

What Does it Mean for a Cat to be Hypoallergenic?

Okay, first things first. What does hypoallergenic mean? Hypo means under or below normal. Allergenic is an adjective form of allergen....

Happy National Cat Day!

National Cat Day was created by an animal behaviorist, named Colleen Paige. She also created other holidays, including National Dog Day,...

Cat Breed of the Month--Bombay

You may have never heard about this awesome cat breed before, and if not, you're in for a treat! Why did I choose this breed? Because all...

Ragdoll VS Ragamuffin

Ragdolls and ragamuffins are very similar, but what are the differences? Which is best? The reason for their similarities is because they...

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