Cat Breed of the Month--Singapura
The Singapura is known as the smallest domestic cat in the world! History The history of the Singapura cat is a controversial subject. It...
Hello, and welcome to my cat blog, where I will share my love and knowledge of the feline. Check out some awesome cat facts and posts comparing and contrasting different cat breeds.
The Singapura is known as the smallest domestic cat in the world! History The history of the Singapura cat is a controversial subject. It...
The Korat looks very similar to the Russian blue, although they’re not related! History The Korat is among the oldest cat breeds in the...
The short answer is no, cats aren’t any happier living outdoors. There are many dangers that outdoor cats face such as cars, dogs,...
The Manx is a domestic bobtailed cat hailing from the Isle of Man. History No one knows the true origin of the Manx cat, although some...
The Balinese is the long-haired version of the Siamese, although they are considered their own breed. History Despite the breed’s name...
The Burmilla is a rare crossbreed that originated from the United Kingdom. History The Burmilla is the result of the accidental breeding...
Image by Adrian via Pixabay The Selkirk Rex is one of the few cat breeds with curly hair! A natural genetic mutation causes their curly...
Did you know that cats can have mental issues, just like us? Animals can experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression,...
The Egyptian Mau is believed to be the oldest cat breed in the world! The first recordings of the breed were ancient Egyptian drawings of...
Different isn’t always a bad thing! In fact, it can be a good thing. Every cat is different in some way, but these cats are unlike...
Image by rfotostock via Pixabay Cats naturally don’t drink much water as they have a low thirst drive, which means they don’t feel the...
The Peterbald is one of the newest cat breeds in the world. History The Peterbald is a crossbreed between the Oriental shorthair and the...
Ragdolls are one of the most popular cat breeds in the US. Many people all across America share their homes with a Ragdoll cat. History...
Image by Olichel via Pixabay Many couples are under the impression that they must rehome their cat before starting a family as the result...
The Chartreux (pronounced shär-TRUE) is a rare natural breed hailing from France. History The breed's history is unknown, but there are...
The Himalayan is a type of Persian but is considered a breed of its own. The Himalayan was originally created by breeding a Persian with...
These three patterns are very similar so it can be tough to tell them apart. Even after learning the differences, it'll take time before...
Cats always landing on their feet is a common misconception about cats that we’ve all heard many-a-times. But I’ve seen cats land on...
The American shorthair is one of the most popular cat breeds in the US, being found in hundreds of households across the country. History...
I’m starting a monthly series on debunking common misconceptions and myths about cats to hopefully give a better, clearer understanding...
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