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Indoor VS Outdoor Cat? What Are The Pros and Cons?

Updated: Feb 17, 2021

There are a good bit of pros supporting both decisions, but there are also a lot of cons, so I made a list for y'all! Inside or outside cats aren't happier than the other. I'm not saying that one is better than the other or anything like that. I'm just putting together a list to help someone decide if they'd want their cat inside or outside. If you have a purebred kitty, I'd suggest keeping them inside.

Inside cat


  1. Inside cats are proven to live longer

  2. There is a decreased chance of my cat acquiring parasites, or diseases

  3. The cat will be safe from cars

  4. The cat will also be safe from dogs, other cats, and predators

  5. No unwanted pregnancies if your cat isn't spayed/neutered

  6. They can stay warm or cool, depending on the weather/season


  1. If your cat is not spayed/neutered, you may experience blood in your carpet or urine (that stinks, and won't came off) on your walls, carpet, and furnishings

  2. You and other people in the household may experience sinus issues

  3. Whoever cleans out the litterbox may acquire several different illnesses for various reasons, these sicknesses include; Campylobacteriosis, roundworms, Giardiasis, Toxoplasmosis, and exposer to Ammonia

  4. Your cat can ruin your furniture, walls, carpet, and other things in your home with their claws

  5. If you cat would happen to get any kind of parasite, you'd have to spent hours of cleaning, and probably spent over a thousand dollars on new carpet and furniture

  6. Inside cats are more depended on their owners

  7. Inside cats are at risk to become overweight. One major health problem in cats is obesity

Outside cat


  1. Your cat has freedom to run around

  2. Outside cats have better teeth, because they catch and eat rodents

  3. They depend less on their owners

  4. Outside cats are unlikely to became overweight

  5. They have a better immune system

  6. They require less attention

  7. You don't have to clean a litterbox

  8. You spend less money on toys


  1. Outside cats are in danger of cars, other cats, dogs and other predators

  2. The chance of outside cats acquiring parasites and diseases is higher than inside cats

  3. If your female cat isn't spayed, that can result in litters of unwanted kittens

  4. It's more likely for your cat to get lost

  5. They don't live as long as inside cats

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