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What Does it Mean for a Cat to be Hypoallergenic?

Okay, first things first. What does hypoallergenic mean? Hypo means under or below normal. Allergenic is an adjective form of allergen. Allergen is something that causes an allergic reaction. So, hypoallergenic is just a fancy term for something that produces less allergen.

An allergic reaction from a cat is caused by a protein called Fel D1, which isn't in their fur, but in their saliva. Fel D1 is found in a cat's saliva, urine, and skin.

No cat or dog is 100% non-allergenic.

Cats that shed less won't groom themselves as often, which results in less saliva-drenched fur floating all around the house.

The only two hypoallergenic longhaired cat breed are the Siberian and the Balinese.

Darker colored cats produce more allergen than lighter colored cats. Female cats produce fewer allergens than males, and intact males more than neutered males. Kittens produce less than adult cats.

What are some other hypoallergenic cat breeds?

1. Sphynx

2. Devon Rex

3. Cornish Rex

4. Russian Blue

5. Bengal

6. Oriental Shorthair

7. Siamese

8. Colorpoint Shorthair

9. Burmese

10. Javanese

11. LaPerm

12. Ocicat

There other cats that shed less, but aren’t considered hypoallergenic, These breeds include:

1. The Scottish fold

2. The Lykoi

3. The Birman

4. The Exotic shorthair

5. The Bombay

Thanks for reading!

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