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Cat Breed of The Month--Persian

If any of y'all noticed, I am doing longhaired cat breeds for the cold months and shorthairs for the warm months, but next month, I'll be doing a shorthaired breed instead.

This month's breed is...the Persian!

The Persian is a very popular breed. You may not know someone who owns one, but most people know of the breed.

They are known for their round eyes, face, but they are most known for their unique short muzzle. The muzzle is the area of the face that consist of the whisker pads, nasal area, nose leather, lips, canines, incisors, and the jaw.

The Persian has a long luxurious coat, unlike their cousin the exotic shorthair, which is the shorthaired version of the Persian.

The history of the Persian is unclear, so I will not worry about that.

There are two different types of Persians. The two are the traditional (doll-faced) and the peke-faced. The peke-faced's muzzle is more smooshed than the doll-faced, so it is more likely for the peke-faced to develop breathing problems. So, if you are looking for a Persian cat, the doll-faced is the one to go. There are also two other "kinds" of Persians, that are recognized as their own breed. One is the Himalayan, which is recognized as its own breed. A Siamese and a Persian were bred together to create a Persian with the darker points of the Siamese. The other, the Persian's cousin, the exotic shorthair, which was created by breeding a Persian with the British shorthair, as well as other shorthaired cat breeds.

The Persian is a calm, quiet, and affectionate breed. They are considered the laziest cat breed (right next to their cousin.) They are depended on their owners, and can easily get lonely or depressed if their owners don't spend enough time with them. Persians must be strictly indoor pets, because they aren't suited for outdoor living.

Persians are high maintenance kitties. They need to be groomed daily and they need to be cleaned around their eyes everyday. It's best to give them a bath every two or three months.

They can come in many different colors, including white, blue, red, black, and cream. Colors/patterns: chinchilla silver, brown, blue, lilac, cream, silver tabby, and many others.

They weigh between 7-10 pounds. They live about 10 to 17 years of age.

Persians can have breathing problems because of their smooshed face.

The breed is sometimes referred to as "the dumbest cat breed."

Thanks you reading! I hope y'all enjoyed learning about the Persian. If any of y'all have a breed you'd like to be the cat breed of the month, comment below!

Bye!! See you later!

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