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Cat Breed of the Month--The Chartreux

The Chartreux (pronounced shär-TRUE) is a rare natural breed hailing from France.


The breed's history is unknown, but there are theories concerning its origins. One is that the Chartreux’s ancestors, the native cats of Syria (which was called Assyria at the time) were brought to France by returning Crusaders.

Like many other cat breeds–the Chartreux was near extinction during WWII, but because of the efforts of cat fanciers, the breed was preserved.

The first of the breed didn’t arrive in the US until 1971.

The Chartreux was registered as a natural breed by the CFA in 1979. In 1987, they gained championship status.

Appearance/Physical Traits

The Chartreux has a stocky, muscular body with round features.

They have a dense blue coat of fur and copper eyes ranging from dark to light yellow.

The Chartreux weighs between 6-12 lbs (3-5 kg) making them a medium-sized breed. Males are generally larger than females.

Personality & Behavior

The Chartreux has a sweet and loving temperament–they love spending time with their owners and will sit on their lap for hours. They are known to follow their favorite person everywhere they go!

They are very athletic, playful, and intelligent–they can learn to play fetch and solve simple puzzles made for cats.

The Chartreux typically vocalizes in trills and chirps, not meows.

They are known to be excellent mousers!

They typically get along well with children and other pets.

Health & Care

Weekly grooming is helpful when keeping your Chartreux’s beautiful blue coat healthy and shiny! The occasional bath also contributes to the health of Kitty’s fur.

You should brush your cat’s teeth daily to slow the rotting process.

The Chartreux is a generally healthy breed, although they, like other breeds, are prone to specific diseases and illnesses, such as urinary tract infections (UTI), polycystic kidney disease, struvite crystals, and luxating patella.

Nevertheless, the breed has an expected lifespan of 12-15 years.

Similar & Related Breeds:

  • Russian Blue

  • British Shorthair

  • Korat

  • Nebelung

Fun Facts:

  • Their fur is water-resistant

  • They have quicker reflexes than the average cat

  • Because of the cat’s bone structure–it almost looks like they have an enteral smile on their face

  • They’re one of the few remaining housecats with the instinct to hunt

  • The breed is affectionately referred to as “potato on toothpicks” because of their large, round body and short legs

  • Chartreux kittens are born with faint tabby stripes that fade as they grow

  • They are a slowly maturing breed that takes 3-5 years to reach full maturity. That’s a long time!

Works Cited

Braaksma Hilary, “Chartreux Cat Breed Information & Characteristics,” Daily Paws,

“Chartreux Cat Breed Profile,” Petfinder,

Kellogg Cecily, “Cat Breeds: Getting to Know the Chartreux,” Figo Pet Insurance, 12 August 2019,

Puisis Erica, “ Chartreux: Cat Breed Profile, Characteristics & Care,” TheSprucePets,

Rexelle Debra, “Charteux Article 1999 – The Cat Fancier’s Association,” CFA,

Steinman Henry, “20 Fun Facts About Chartreux Cats,” KittenToob,

Image by LucasBouillon via Pixabay

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Jul 09, 2022

How do you even pronounce this one lol

Jul 11, 2022
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