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Cat Breed of the Month-- Abyssinian

The Abyssinian is sometimes called "Aby".


The Abyssinian is one of the oldest cat breeds. Cats sharing physical similarities with the Abyssinian were found mummified in Egyptian tombs. For this reason, it is believed by some that the breed originated in Egypt, although the history of this breed is unclear.

They were named after Abyssinia (currently called Ethiopia). Some believe this is where the breed originated. Due to recent studies by geneticists, we have reason to believe that the Abyssinian originated in Southeast Asia and the coast of the Indian ocean.

The breed was imported to England, where some believe they originated. The Abyssinian was then imported to America in the late 1930s.


The Abyssinians are small to medium, with females weighing 6-8 lbs and males weighing 7-10 lbs.

They have a graceful, slender yet muscular body, with a moderately wedge-shaped head with large, broad ears, and almond-shaped eyes that can come gold, green, hazel, or copper.

The majority of Abyssinians are ticked tabbies. Ticked tabbies have tabby markings on their face and sometimes tail with agouti hairs. The individual hairs possess two different colors, alternating dark and light colors.

They have a short, sleek, glossy coat of fur that can come in ruddy, red, blue, and fawn.


The Abyssinian is very, very intelligent and curious, loyal, playful, sociable, and affectionate, although they aren't usually lapcats.

They do well with children and other pets such as dogs.

Works Cited

"Abyssinian Cat Breed Profile | Purina," Purina,

"Abyssinian Cat - Wikipedia," Wikipedia,

"Abyssinian--The Cat Fanciers' Association," The Cat Fanciers' Association,

"The 5 Tabby Cat Patterns," Catster, 1 March 2021,

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